The Ripple Effects of Pluto Return and meeting our elders in Bali
Satnam Loves,
Writing you from beautiful mama Bali. It's still very surreal for me that Bali has become our home. She has welcomed us and brought to us blessings, lessons and friendships we never dreamed were possible.
Most recently I've had the blessing to meet some elders that have been such a guiding light for the refinement and fine tuning of my life. I feel an entirely new sense of grounded-ness and lightness to my awareness and life right now.
This is all perfectly timed and aligned with this Pluto Return that is happening on the very powerful upcoming day of Feb 20th, 2022.
2 2022 20 is what's called a Palindrome in sacred geometry, which like eclipses intensifies the lessons and brings us closer to our truth much quicker than normal.
2 is the number of balance.
Divine Feminine. Divine Masculine.
Coming into a harmony with this Pluto Return and we also have a Neptune return happening this month as well.
2 sides equal.
No Mud, No Lotus!
This is a time where we will all be facing and refining the emotional and mental spaces in our lives so that our hearts can be free to operate and weave and dream and create as she wishes. No longer, set back by drama, emotional control, mind control.. all the things that have had us all "under" control.
One of my favorite sayings that my husband @Robindra is always saying is..
If you want freedom, lose control.
He shares it in the context of stop using emotions to control reality, rather allow your trust in yourself and your ability to take intuitive action, thus creating the outcomes we wish to perceive, Vs. the old paradigm way of manipulating through emotional/mind control tactics we have all learned from our parents and from our own societal / parental control systems with governments, schools and now social media.
Pluto's return is about demolishing old structures and old beliefs.
After 246 years, Pluto is returning to its original place in the birth chart for the USA.
A country that has a giant impact on us all.
We hope that this time will bring balance to the country.
Pluto is the planet of power, purging and of transformation.
I've felt this shift in my life by the meeting of true elders that are now in my community. For the first time since my early kundalini yoga days 20 years ago with Tej Khalsa, I finally feel I have someone that can guide me and provide support / direction. It's a beautiful space that has allowed myself and my family to flourish even more.
I truly believe this is happening right now in alignment with what's happening in the stars.
The key I have been learning lately is the power of trusting the instructions that our intuition gives us.
Also, in finding a true mentor, they also give us intuitive feedback which I'm learning how to surrender to and take action upon.
Loves... hold on tight and keep cleaning, clearing and grounding.
Allow yourself to be in the space of joy, peace, playfulness and harmony for longer and longer periods of time. Learn how to let go of the drama's that once took all of your attention.
For this next cycle we have ...
Leo Full Moon...
Pluto return.
Neptune half return.
2, 2022, 20, 22, 2 as a numerology palindrome.
You will feel the ripple effects of this alignment.
As we begin pay more attention to how we are feeling in the moment, we can start a new chapter for ourselves in this time.
Let's take this window to anchor in the New Age of Aquarius that has been birthed and has been growing.
So much. more I want to share but I also want to keep this love note short and sweet!
I will certainly share more about the new elders in my life and the lessons that I am learning along the way.
Have a wonderful week loves,
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