Venus Sextiles Mars for a perfectly passionate DATE night on this day. Skip to content


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Article: Venus Sextiles Mars for a perfectly passionate DATE night on this day...

Venus Sextiles Mars for a perfectly passionate DATE night on this day...

Venus Sextiles Mars for a perfectly passionate DATE night on this day...

Sat Nam Loves, Myrah here.
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This week we are in the final week of what feels like a really long month of June. Next week we are officially entering the second half of the year in July.
On June 26th, 2+6=8 in numerology 8 is a master number, which will make this day feel much bigger. 8 is a number about destiny and fate. You will likely feel some familiar things that perhaps you are ready to resolve. This is a day to mark to focus on the positive.
Literally, put into your calendar right now an alarm to wake you up 30 mins earlier to do a 15 min gratitude writing practice + 15 min kriya or meditation like the Long Ik On Kar for 11 mins.
Focused on the Good News
Other things I do to focus on the positive is to commune with nature, spending it by the ocean, river or forest nearby to have a conversation about how grateful you are for all the blessings and to give back to nature in a way that shows your gratitude, think giving cotton, small gemstones or tobacco to the trees and earth which will balance your energy.
On Thursday 27th we have Mercury Trine Saturn... which focuses on business dealings, being analytical and taking advantage of this energy by focusing on your projects and the most practical things that need to be put into order in your life.
The key word for this week is PATIENCE!
Trust that your projects and your life IS moving forward in a positive direction. Don't fret the details. Focus on having the patience it takes to fully complete the projects you are engaged in.
Use your energy for activation vs getting impatient, which will diffuse your energy.
Save This Day for DATE NIGHT!
This Saturday is an ideal date night, so book that fav restaurant and get in touch with the loves of your life to celebrate. Saturday is on June 29th, which 2+9 = 11, which is another master number in numerology. It highlights being present in the moment, intuitive downloads and being able to listen and receive divine feedback and then take affirmative action!
The love vibes on Saturday this weekend are also amplified when Venus Sextiles Mars which brings beauty, harmony and a strong desire for love and affection to our lives. Passion will be running high! Resolve the personal issues that need to be resolved and get on that Date Night and be ready for a passionate evening!
xoxo Myrah & Robindra

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