How to navigate the Summer Solstice this week! Skip to content


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Article: How to navigate the Summer Solstice this week!

How to navigate the Summer Solstice this week!

How to navigate the Summer Solstice this week!

Sat Nam loves Myrah here.
We have a really big week ahead of us with Capricorn Full Moon + Summer Solstice.
Solstice is a very important portal for us and it is during this time that we are in the daily practice of giving thanks for these times of love and challenges. 
These portals open us up to experiencing even more deepening of our commitment to living in a more conscious and sacred way.
Monday June 17th - 17 is a super important number in numerology and it represents immortality. Practically this is about not just leaving a legacy behind but living a legacy now.
It's a spiritual time and you deserve to get yourself in nature for time in silence.
The electromagnetic field of your body and the earth during this time really make it very important this week to go inward.. to slow down, to feel and be grateful for the life that we live.
This week we begin each day in meditation and in gratitude.
This week we will focus on creating a vision for the next 6 months of our lives. 
Solstice is a time when we can renew our New Year's Resolutions.  
If you can take the day off on Thursday that would be super helpful to help you reset your body, mind and soul.
Many of the things we started 3-6 months ago are now coming to light now.
Slow Down
Focus the beauty
Be in Nature
You may feel the feels and we can get moody with the increased energy happening so we have to really guard against overdoing things. 
Capricorn energy is action, it's get it done now kind of leadership.
However our best action will be in nurturing our hearts to feel in harmony.
You will feel a boon for practical thinking. Problems that have been lingering will be solved.
Things will begin to flow.
Your projects, your goals, how are they going, are they working? Or are you realizing you want to change it up?
You may realize where you need to prioritize more of your energy.
Venus and Mercury are still travelling together and there could be things coming up for you where you need time and space to process. Things may come up that perhaps you weren't realizing before and now you can see things a bit more clearly to then take action on.
Again, if you can take a break!
This week is a really good week to start off fast and then finish off slow.
Get all the work you need to get done in the first few days of the week and hopefully by Thursday you can take off for a mini 1-2 day retreat in nature.
This will help you soak in the nectar and beauty of the Solstice, Full Moon and week ahead!
Enjoy the week ahead. It should be a really amazing week. Something I've been working on for almost a year finally made some headway this week and I'm beyond excited for what will unfold this week.
I'd love to hear if any of you are going through something similar!
Take care,
xoxo Myrah & Robindra

I've shared a discount code that will expire tomorrow evening for a rare 30% off our In Store Sale. Many pieces that we have up just for this special. Things that won't be available online or in store any more. Use the code: ELEGANT30 . We have already discounted most of them so you have a chance to get things 30-50% off.

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