Your Complete 888 Lions Gate Guide to Manifesting Skip to content


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Article: Your Complete 888 Lions Gate Guide to Manifesting

Your Complete 888 Lions Gate Guide to Manifesting

Your Complete 888 Lions Gate Guide to Manifesting

Sat Nam loves Myrah here.
888 Lionsgate Portal is here today and a lot of energy is pouring into the planet right now. This super high energy that is coming can magnify your negativity or it can amplify your positivity.
This shift is a call for us to put our life into order and truly focus on getting things together.
If you can spend time today in nature, in a forest, lake, river or ocean this is a good time to check in and connect with the mother of mothers, our planet.
The number 8 in the Kundalini Yoga system is the Pranic Body giving us a clue as to the type of work and meditations we can do today to really power up our auric and physical bodies. 
A strong Pranic Body gives you energy, vitality, fearlessness, prosperity, and natural healing talents. Prana is the food of the soul which comes through the air we breathe and enriches us from the inside out.
2+0+2+4 = 8 everything is amplified.
Today is the peak of this portal that opens and will last until mid-August and even beyond a few months.
This portal we have is joined by the Orion Belt, the Leo constellation and the star (SUN) of Sirius, the most powerful one we see, especially from Bali at night. Sirius is known as the cosmic sun and today they align. This helps us connect with infinite abundance 8.8.8 and with our inner god and the capacity for co-creation that exists within us.
8 Areas of Focus 
In my book club at our shop here in Bali, my good friend Esther shared some wisdom which was to make wishes in 8 areas of your life.
  1. Financial
  2. Sexual
  3. Relationship (your intimate partner, community and friends)
  4. Self Relationship
  5. Business
  6. Family
  7. Home
  8. Mother Earth
Tonight we will do an astral trip while we sleep, so having the list of our manifestation of how we want to see the 8 important themes of our life will be a great tool to manifest.💫
The rising Sun star Sirius is opening the portal.  
Today on the 8th it is at the Peak of its Leo Royal Lion Energy.
You will feel more adventurous than usual. 
 You are going to feel turned on, literally.
Even with Mercury Retrograde, we want to press forward. The head winds of the retrograde will give us the inspiration to have the extra strength it's going to take to move forward.
The Sirius Sun will illuminate your Soul Body. This is like nutrition for your soul so do your meditations, if you normally do 3 mins, do 30 mins!! I will be doing a 32 min Lay Meditation.
As your inner energy expands so will your outer world.
You may feel your emotions running higher than usual, reminding yourself to stay grounded over the next few weeks. Your energy will be more vibrant and this will give you the space to feel connection.
When we raise our vibration, old patterns will rise to the surface and it's totally ok, this alignment will cleanse these old patterns. All of this is happening automatically so all you have to do is stay open and receive the blessings.
As the cleansing is happening, think about what you want to let go of, think about old beliefs and situations that you are ready to let go of. Let the past be in the past and allow this alignment to fully let GO!
When you let GO, You LET IN the new and your life will begin FLOW.
The light of the Sun Star Sirius during this Lionsgate Portal will be shining a light on the truth of your soul. You will get a lot of messages and downloads at this time.
Don't overthink it.
Things will not show up in a logical way.
This is not a logical exercise.
In fact it's quite the opposite.
If you get an urge but it doesn't make any sense, it's ok, DO IT, go for it, express it!
Things from the divine don't usually make logical sense!
Lastly, this is a big portal for abundance.
Your job is to take massive action. 
Make those calls, send those emails, write your goals, put things in order and be an open vessel to receive. Do long meditations, sit in nature and commune with the natural world around you. Most of all, open your heart to curiosity, wonder and hope.
Here is a Prosperity Meditation Video that I recorded that would be perfect to do tonight!
Remember 888 portal will be open for a few more weeks so take your time to integrate all of this in!
Myrah & Robindra

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