Jupiter Moving Into Gemini Shifts the Energy of 2024 Skip to content


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Article: Jupiter Moving Into Gemini Shifts the Energy of 2024

Jupiter Moving Into Gemini Shifts the Energy of 2024

Jupiter Moving Into Gemini Shifts the Energy of 2024

Sat Nam loves, Myrah here.
Writing you as we enter the Full Moon Sagittarius portal tomorrow which makes this an incredibly powerful week.
This is quite the bountiful lunation experience this week. As of Monday this week we also just entered Gemini season and this is all amplified when Jupiter changes signs on May 25th, everything changes this year!
We all felt the shake up and shifts that the eclipse season brought. This Jupiter shift will also mark a shift in the energy of how we are experiencing 2024 as a whole.
Jupiter will be in Gemini for the next year and this is a positive shift in that this will help us all connect with the resources we need to make progress in the things we want to make real and manifest in our lives.
The Full Moon brings a lot of energy and the immensity of Jupiter shifting planets can cause us to get distracted from the major projects we want to hone in on right now.
We have to do the work this week to stay grounded to not feel overwhelmed and scattered. If you do find yourself scattered try to take in less information from the digital space and give yourself some boundaries with your consumption of media this week.
Connect with nature, slow down, take care of yourself and get loads of rest whenever you can. We have a lot to process right now and in the coming weeks we will have many big decisions to make.
What is amazing about this Full Moon is that Venus and Jupiter are in a conjunction at the same time bringing in more connection, feeling loving and accessing prosperous thinking.
This is very much a good time to plant a seed for something.
To become more prosperous, loving, sweet and feeling more stable in our lives.
We may have to look deeper than the surface of things to see how good things really are turning out for us.
There is no way to sugar coat that Full Moon's are intense times. Emotions run wild, we can feel agitated and our children have a ton of energy at bedtime! Making it hard to sleep and take in the power and energy of the moment.
Even with the fast pace experience of the Full Moon, keep drawing your attention back to the one big manifestation you want to work on right now.
For the past year for me it has been to launch and open our new shop in Ubud, Bali. It was an immense project of love and it took all of my attention. Now that it is complete I am working on one major personal project and one career related project and those 2 things are all I am going to be focusing my energy on, especially during a Full Moon which amplifies everything.
Whatever you focus on this week will certainly grow into something beautiful.
Sagittarius is about freedom and wants you to focus on your big dream, your big vision and wants you to have the experience of big JOY!
Tell the people in your life you love them.
Plant the seeds you wish you see come to life.
If Gemini brings you to that scattered feeling, try to keep simplifying. Try to focus on self care and love this week to nurture what needs to be nurtured and avoid burn out. It takes so much time to recover from burn out so don't let the high energy of the Full Moon drain you, rather let the Full Moon fill your cup with good energy for all the good things to arrive in your life.
Expansions are coming.
You are ready to outgrow your old stories.
You are ready to sink into your true self.
You are ready to expand.
Enjoy the rest of the week loves,
xoxo Myrah & Robindra

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