Seize the Scorpio Full Moon Energy + Mercury Retrograde Musings...
Sat Nam loves, Myrah here.
We have an eventful week coming up with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21 deg Taurus and the Scorpio Full Moon turning up change, creativity, emotions, and life themes to a whole new level on the collective and personal level.
You are seeing things in your life more clearly than ever.
You are elevating right on time with this powerful month of April and coming up in just a few days the watery and Potent Full Moon Scorpio feels profound with a focus on truth and empowerment.
You will be feeling deeply and a little extra sensitive.
April has been a transformative month and truly things are changing.. Such a reminder of the preciousness of life and how we need to really learn to take it in!
We are uncovering truths in surprising ways.
I can share that we have had significant changes in our lives in such new and unexpected ways.
April has been a Mars infused month.
Mars is about determination, uncovering (the truth), going deeper, finding things that you perhaps haven't wanted to address and face in the past.
You now have the courage to face fears that you haven't been able to take on before.
Pluto in Scorpio is the house of life/death and transformation.
Eclipse Season + Mercury retrograde has come together to make us stronger in a way that we now have the courage to face challenges we haven't been able to face in the past.
You are strong.
You are not going to give up.
It's time to let go.
It's time to forgive.
It's time to wrap things up!
Full Moons are about completions and endings. We are coming to terms with everything that has come up and we are becoming even more self aware of the light and dark.
Truth is setting you free.
You are ready to merge your power of intuition and mind.
Scorpio is a very passionate energy and governs our sexuality.
You will feel very deeply.
Scorpio intensifies energy.
You will have a lot of divinely inspired support right now.
You will be just fine. Energetically you will be even better than ever.
Scorpio is a water sign. Things will start to flow again as Mercury stations direct on April 25th.
Loves, you are ready to get out and start flowing again with the river of life.
This is GOOD News! A river only flows in one direction .
You are growing by seeing clearly what is in front you.
Growth is about our ability to focus on the present moment.
We empower ourselves when we empower the energy around us in the present moment.
We are no longer looking back, we are looking forward.
We are ready for great results from all of our hard work and one of the biggest moments of the year is here with Mars Sextile Jupiter.
We need to get really present.
We need to be open to see things in a new way.
Your voice matters and tuning into the impact of our voice will expand our hearts.
Trust and show up fully!
You can handle anything that comes up and what does show up is meant to be
The last part of April we will be able to see things clearly and use our voice to
use your energy on what you want to build.
Mercury Retrograde comes to an end on April 25th in just a few days! I'm so ready for it!
What it does is come to a full stop which means you are probably sitting with something to contemplate. What should I say? What should I do?
We will be empowered to take some action on this in the upcoming Taurus season.
Let's take a few days to pause and let it all in. This upcoming week is about integrating and digesting all that has happened over the Eclipse season.
Many new ideas may have surfaced during this time. We will need to sift through it all slowly and mindfully to start to get real traction in our lives going forward.
Good things are brewing, you have earned it! Keep up.
xoxo Myrah & Robindra
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