8 Things you MUST Do this Full Moon Aquarius Skip to content


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Article: 8 Things you MUST Do this Full Moon Aquarius

8 Things you MUST Do this Full Moon Aquarius

8 Things you MUST Do this Full Moon Aquarius

Sat Nam loves, the big day and peak of the celestial happenings is almost here.
The theme of the Full Moon is all about setting yourself free.
Not only do we have a Full Moon we have Two T-Squares involving 8 Planets. T Squares are the most intense aspects that we can have in astrology.
T Squares are very activating! They force us to look at things and elevate to another level from forgiveness and acceptance to awareness and action.
Expect action and forward momentum!
A radiant Full Moon in Aquarius happens tomorrow on Monday, August 19 comes into exactitude at  11:26 am PST.
Both Sun and Moon create an exact T-square to Uranus at 27° Taurus.  Uranus is the planetary ruler of Aquarius…giving the T-square extra spice and this takes the unexpected possibilities to even greater levels!
Mercury (in retrograde at 26° Leo) will be conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon, contributing news, communication and deep reflection to the T-square.
This is an extraordinary full moon, especially since it comes at the end of a series of intense transits – bringing everything to a point of culmination.
With Mercury Retrograde happening at this time it is a time to take all of this energy inward, it's a time for reflection and making sure we are grounded and focused on the right next steps with a clear not confused mind/space.
Remember loves, you ARE Divinely Guided & Divinely Directed.
Full Moon Aquarius is asking us to risk everything to be free of emotional or mental attachments / drama... that we see in the collective.
Always return to your heart.
The present moment will feel good.
The present moment will ground you and everything else will be in alignment with you.
There is an intense emotional excitability underneath it all, as the stars are asking us to purge and let go!
Aquarius rules the higher mind and spirituality, the intelligence of the heart. 
You have the ability to direct energy. You have the ability to be conscious and filled with light energy and gratitude energy.
Literally being present and being a grateful human, timelines open for you. Life opens for you. Focus on training yourself to be fully present.
Gratitude is the key!
Let’s make the most of this luminous energy together!
Here’s your must-do list for the Full Moon and next few days.
1. Set Your Intentions
Take a moment to reflect on what you want to manifest. Write down your intentions, focusing on themes of freedom, originality, and community. Let your dreams be bold and expansive!
2. Release What No Longer Serves You
Light a candle and create a sacred space. Write down any limiting beliefs or unhealthy habits you want to release. When you’re ready, safely burn the paper to symbolize letting go.
3. Connect with Your Community
Reach out to friends or family. Plan a virtual gathering or a small get-together. Share your thoughts and intentions for this lunar cycle—support and collaboration are key under this moon!
4. Embrace Your Uniqueness
Spend some time doing something that celebrates your individuality. Try a new hobby, wear an outfit that expresses your true self, or create art that reflects your inner world.
5. Meditate Under the Moonlight
Find a quiet spot outdoors where you can soak in the moon’s glow. Meditate on your intentions and visualize the energy of the full moon amplifying your dreams. Bonus if you get your crystals out for a charge!
6. Journal Your Insights
After your meditation, jot down any thoughts, feelings, or visions that came up. This is a great way to track your progress and reconnect with your dreams throughout the month.
7. Practice Gratitude
Write down three things you’re grateful for. Gratitude helps raise your vibration and opens your heart to receive more blessings.
8. Reflect and Rest
As the night winds down, take a few moments to reflect on your day. Allow yourself to rest and recharge, soaking in the magic of the full moon. --- Remember, lovelies, this full moon is all about embracing your true self and connecting with others.
Take these steps to harness the transformative energy of Aquarius, and watch your dreams unfold!
With love,
Myrah & Robindra

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